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The physical edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator on 10 DVDs is a nostalgic tribute to the gamers of the 90s

Microsoft Flight Simulator flight simulator has a release date. And it comes with a physical edition that will shed a tear of nostalgia for gamers of the 90s.
Microsoft surprised everyone a few months ago when it announced the release of Microsoft Flight SimulatorFirst, because it is a pure and simple flight simulator, a very popular genre decades ago, but that today is completely niche. And second, because it is a game developed for PC, although it will have a console version, but without a date. And now it announces another surprise: there will be a physical version, and it will occupy 10 DVDs.
Physical editions on PC are increasingly scarce, as almost the entire market revolves around Steam. And when they exist, many of them are just a plastic box with a code to activate the game on Steam, Origin, UPlay etc. They also include a 100-page manual, only in limited collector's editions. So it is surprising that Microsoft has commissioned simulator specialists Aerosoft to create a physical edition.
It is a nod to the golden age of flight simulators , 20 or 25 years ago, when it was a very popular genre on PC. At that time the physical versions on CD or DVD occupied several discs. In 2020 the games have grown a lot in size, and that's why the physical edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator will include 10 DVDs . 


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