Sony confirms more PlayStation games for PC, and advances in virtual reality

It seems that Horizon Zero Dawn is not an experiment. Sony plans to release more PlayStation games on PC. And, finally, improve your virtual reality platform. For decades PC games have been considered the province of consoles. But in recent times something has changed in the perception of companies. Perhaps, because that competition is not so real. Many people who play on PC also have a console, and other computer gamers , more focused on multiplayer games, only play on PC. For a few years, Microsoft has released all its exclusive Xbox games on PC , even on the day of launch. Just a few weeks ago, Sony first released one of its exclusive and iconic PS4 games , Horizon Zero Dawn , on computers. But he had not clarified if it is just an experiment, or it was going to become a habit. Today Sony has presented its 2020 Corporate Report , where it talks about the company's achievements throughout the year, and its plans for the coming months. Logically most of the content is dedicated to PS5. But in one of the sections, Sony confirms that they will launch more games for PC : " we will continue to expand our first-party games on PC, to promote growth in our profits ." What Sony does not clarify, is what type of exclusive games it is going to launch: titles that are already several years old and have been squeezed into its consoles, such as the aforementioned Horizon Zero Dawn, or recently launched titles like Microsoft does. Rumors have emerged about Bloodborne, and the creators of God of War themselves have expressed their desire to make a PC version. Other candidates that would sell very well are the Uncharted and The Last of Us sagas . In another vein, Sony has also reaffirmed its commitment to virtual reality. We already knew that PS VR glasses will be compatible with PS5, and even VR games have already been announced for the new console, such as Hitman 3 . But the current platform has a serious problem: the controls. Current Moves do not have a stick, so if you use the controls as if they were hands, you cannot move. That's why games like Vader Immortal have to use teleportation instead of stick, and Hitman 3 will work with gamepad. Sony needs to renew its virtual reality platform as soon as possible (at least the controls), but it cannot launch the console and new glasses at the same time, because it would be a huge expense for users. Still, in the aforementioned report he confirms that he is working on improving virtual reality : " Sony plans to offer content in a wide variety of genres and formats, and to advance unique and interactive experiences such as Virtual Reality ." Without a doubt, great news for fans of this new form of entertainment. Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you Very informative article Thank you


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