The ZTE company will be the supplier of 5G network equipment in the CAV

The company is part of the consortium made up of 12 other Basque companies and institutions that will put 5G technology to the test in the BAC in the coming years. The company ZTE , provider of advanced telecommunications systems, mobile devices and technology solutions, will be in charge of supplying , as the sole provider of 5G network equipment , the first infrastructure in the BAC of this technology through the "5G Euskadi" project . The company is part of the consortium made up of 12 other Basque companies and institutions that will put 5G technology to the test in the BAC in the coming years, after being the "5G Euskadi" project of which the winner of the government aid program is part Spanish for the development and implementation of the new technology. As he recalled, this is the first 5G pilot project in the CAV and was born from the commitment to "promote innovation and industrial transformation" of the main companies and technology centers in the community and as a "spearhead for future 5G projects in the rest from the country". This project, in which other important companies such as Euskaltel, Orange and Másmovil also participate , has recently been selected through the Spanish Government's aid program as one of the pilot projects that will launch 5G in various regions of Spain. It will last for 30 months and involves an investment of 7.1 million euros , for which grants a grant of 2.2 million and is co-financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in charge of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE). The "5G Euskadi" project consists of deploying a 5G network in the three Technology Parks of the Basque Autonomous Community and in Abadiño, for which it will allocate 65% of the budget, and developing nine use cases, which will complete the total of the investment. tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech tech


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